4-year (full-time) / 5-year (part-time)
(including 1-year pre-doctoral training year)
Students to be registered in RCSI or UCD and RUMC and meet the academic requirements of the relevant institution.
To ensure a successful application, the following criteria are required to be met:
- Doctoral applicants who are highly motivated and have clear understanding of the requirements of an NQF Level 10 programme.
- To provide evidence of sufficient financial support and potential research grant funding.
- To submit a project proposal that consists of the following:
- A clear indication of research excellence,
- Suitability of proposal for PhD,
- Potential impact of research on applicant, Malaysia and collaboration with Ireland.
- To select a pair of supervisors in RCSI or UCD in Dublin and RUMC in Malaysia.
- Principal supervisor should be based in Dublin and possess a PhD (or equivalent) and experience in PhD supervision.
- RUMC supervisor should possess a higher qualification and sufficient research experience.
Students undertake a 1-year pre-doctoral training that enables you to learn some core PhD skills such as research methods, research ethics & integrity and academic writing.
Within the first 6 months of the research period, you are expected to have completed the following and commenced on your research;
- Literature Review
- Methodological Plan for Thesis
- Formal Transfer Report
You will be assessed based on your performance during this period through a formal report and viva.
Upon successful completion of the pre-doctoral training year, you will then be registered for a PhD.
Research Fees 2017 – 2018
NOTE: It is the postgraduate’s responsibility to register each year prior to submission of their thesis. Failure to do so will lead to automatic disqualification from degree programme.
PhD Full-Time (Euro (€)):
RCSI: €6,550
UCD: €6945
PhD Part-Time (Minimum Five-Year Registration) (Euro (€)):
RCSI: €4,370
UCD: €4630
- An additional National University of Ireland (NUI) fee of €45 per year applies for years 1 to 3.
- Please contact RCSI/UCD Fees Office should you have any queries on the fee payment.
- Do take note of the increase in fee by ~5% per annum.
You are required to possess the following criteria to apply for the Structured PhD programme at RUMC.
- An MSc or upper second class (2.1) honours degree (OR equivalent) in a relevant subject.
- Supervisors from RUMC and either RCSI or UCD.
- Agreed with supervisors on topic for thesis and logistical details for candidature. (Eg: start date, location for initial research training, etc.)
English Language Requirements
- If English is not your first language, you are to possess a high standard of written and spoken English.
- You are to submit IELTS or equivalent language test scores, for both written and spoken English. (eg: TOEFL, Cambridge.)
- An IELTS score of 7.0 is desirable, but scores > 6.5 are also accepted.
- Registration for the programme is to be made via RUMC.
- Application form (consists of proposal template) to be completed and submitted to RUMC Registrar
- Registrar will forward the application to RCSI or UCD upon preliminary review.